Development history of Chatter2Go
The following is the list of released versions of Chatter2Go including
changes between then and projected goals for following versions.
Version 0.01: Apr 25, 2003. (Initial release)
This is the first version of Chatter2Go, intended mostly as preview and for testing.
Embed into pages via javascript include.
Configure number of lines and default Anonymous name.
Allows to set password and data path (needs script to be writable).
Stores date and IP for posts. Only partial IP shown publically.
View full IP in admin screen.
Admin screen allows to delete messages, get insertion code.
All HTML is escaped.
To do:
Implement smiley support (will require download of smiley pack)
Implement IP-based blocking
Add smart HTML handling (links picked up, etc.)
Allow users to set maximum word length to avoid stretching of layouts.