This screen is used to configure the core functionality of chatter2go. In most cases you should do this once when you first start using chatter2go, and leave it alone afterwards.

The two things you can configure here are the administrator password and the file path.

The File Path is the location of the directory on the server where chatter2go will store its files. Leaving this blank will default to the same directory where the chatter2go.php script is located. (Please note that whichever directory you specify, it must be writable by the script. More Info)

Administrator Password is the password that will be used by you to log in to the chatter2go config panel in order to perform day-to-day management (like deleting unwanted posts). If you already have a specified, you can leave these fields empty, and your password will not be changed. Remember that until you have specified a password, anyone can come in and play with your chatter2go settings.

Once you have entered the correct information, click to save them. Or, click to undo your changes.